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Click here for Draft Proposal Practitioner Deployment

Click here for PSA Template Restrictive Work Practices 7-11-11

(Further Documents are appended to this document - Please see below)

Dear Colleagues,

This week the trade union that hold your negotiation rights have signed an agreement on your behalf concerning AP deployment. This agreement along with the agreement on the Intermediary Care Service has been made without any form of consultation with any member of the Ambulance Service. There has not been one meeting organised to debate these issues in order to gather collectively the opinion of members, there has not been one single ballot box produced in any station in any part of the country to obtain a clear mandate for discussion with the employer on any of these issues, in fact Siptu and the Iarc have consistently ignored the fundamental principles of representation for a very long time to date. Not one of the other unions, Impact or Unite who are involved in the making of these agreements, have objected in any manner, to these agreements. They are by association with the union who commandeer your negotiation rights guilty of ignoring the fundamental principles of the trade union movement. These agreements are being made by unions who have demonstrated a total disregard for the opinion of Paramedics of the National Ambulance Service. This not withstanding the fact that these negotiations are being conducted by officials who have consistently failed to understand the essence of the profession of the Paramedic.